Living single season 3 messed up
Living single season 3 messed up

We wanted to get into that, and having a hero who’s moved through the history of the country like Soldier Boy gave us an opportunity.” You’re not supposed to look backwards, you’re supposed to look forward. It’s always been a struggle, and it’s always been conflict.

living single season 3 messed up

I think we got inspired by this idea that we have to somehow return America to this great thing that it was in the past, and that it was better then. We delve into a little bit of how we got to the spot we’re in. “Thematically, we really got interested in the history of the country through this one superhero’s eyes. Kripke said, “There are different time periods, but not in the way you would think.” The character was originally active during World War II. In a previous interview, Kripke shared some insight on the two timelines Soldier Boy’s story takes place in. I was really passionate about exploring that.” And again, yes, it’s a superhero show - but we have a show where we can actually talk about that stuff. I think that’s so scary and really needed to be talked about. It’s not weird dudes with strange mustaches - it’s cute girls on YouTube talking about how they’re independent thinkers. But modern-day white supremacy is so insidious with social media and the way it draws people in. It’s all pretty much what you see is what you get. It’s just fucking insane to me! I really walked into season two with the direction of ‘We’re going to tell a story about a modern-day white supremacist.’ The books have a Stormfront, but it’s a man and he’s very German. And it’s just so insane that it’s a controversial opinion that, like, Nazis are bad. White supremacy and Nazis, they scare the living fuck out of me. A really toxic xenophobia was just starting to spread. Those were the early days of the Trump administration. “It was the daily headlines that inspired it. Kripke went on to discuss how current events inspired him to address and explore certain topics in the series, saying: We’ve been able to explore not just the here and now but the past - and that’s exciting.” We have this character Soldier Boy, played by Jensen Ackles, who has been around since World War II, and through him we’re able to delve into issues as disparate as toxic masculinity and racism and some of the wars we’ve been through. Make America great again for who exactly? It’s like how people say that there are ‘good old days’ and that somehow there’s some sort of past that we need to be great again and return to the issues we talk about on the show - racism, white supremacy, violence and sexual predation - have always been here.

living single season 3 messed up

“I can say that we spent the first two seasons exploring a lot of things that are going on in the United States, and in the third season we got interested in the history of the Vought universe and its fractured reflection of the United States.


The series creator and showrunner Eric Kripke previously opened up about the upcoming third season and what fans can expect from it.

Living single season 3 messed up